ARI Simulation is a leading global developer of advanced simulation systems used in the training of personnel in both marine and nonmarine industries.
Our extensive range of simulation products cover a wide variety of functional areas including ship handling and navigation; integrated warship simulation; propulsion plant and power generation systems; cargo handling systems for oil, chemical
and cryogenic cargo; offshore oil field vessel operations; oil and gas drilling on land and
offshore; communications systems; crane handling systems; port operations and much more.
Our simulation tools are also used in undertaking feasibility studies for new ports, new vessels and in pilot training initiatives for port and terminal infrastructure even before they are built.
Founded in 1994 and headquartered in New Delhi, India, the ARI group is also engaged in the
development of e-governance systems for maritime administrations and - through its maritime
colleges - is also one of the largest providers of training solutions to the international maritime industry.
ARI brings together the expertise and experience of more than 400 highly skilled professionals in the fields of software engineering, systems integration, industry domain experience, business management, finance, occupational and workplace psychology and human resource management.
Our simulators have been certified to the highest Class ‘A’ standard by DNV as well as having been approved by a broad range of international regulatory and certifying authorities.
ARI Drilling Simulation.
ARI’s Drilling Simulator offers a powerful series of simulation training capabilities to those involved in the oil and gas drilling industry.
Using the latest technologies in high-fidelity graphics and engineering simulation, Drilling Simulator provides a complete and detailed immersive simulation experience of the start-tofinish drilling operations on a virtual rig including pipe-handling, tripping in, tripping out, drilling, mud system operation, cementing operations and well control training.
Combined with the ARI Downhole Simulator the simulator provides a complete experience from surface tools to well geology and accurately models all the forces across the system, providing a compelling well-control and contingency training environment. And because downhole geological parameters can be modified ‘on-the-fly’, instructors can introduce extremely challenging training scenarios.
ARI’s Drilling Simulator is available in a range of modular configurations, from small scale, portable solutions (suitable for remote and on-rig training), to containerized solutions providing transportable full mission simulation and right up to multi-trainee completely full mission installations suitable for deployment in training centres and academic institutions.
Depending on customer requirements, systems can be supplied based on generic rigs and generic tools, or may be completely customized to recreate in every detail a customer’s own rigs, tools and work processes.
The system supports multiple rig types including
land rigs, offshore jack-up rigs, offshore semisubmersible rigs, drill-ships, drill barges, modular rigs and platform rigs - all within the
same software and hardware environment.
It can be installed to use actual rig control equipment if required to add a layer of complete
realism to the operation of the systems.
Drilling simulator is today being used by some of the leading manufacturers of rig equipment, colleges, drilling contractors and some of the world’s leading universities specializing in oil and gas exploration.
Welcome to the (virtual) drill floor.
Drilling Simulator puts trainees where they need to be - on the actual drill floor of a working rig, with controls, visuals and sound so precisely modeled and accurately reproduced - they’ll believe they are actually there.
Suitable for use in procedural, operations and well control training, Drilling SImulator provides a completely immersive
environment based around the driller and assistant driller workstations in the drillers cabin on the drill floor. With control and monitoring systems that exactly replicate those found on a real rig, including the display and SCADA systems and with virtual CCTV monitoring, training and assessments
are conducted in an entirely realistic environment.
Drilling Simulator simulates a large range of rig tools,
accurately modeling control systems, sensors and the mechanics and forces of such tools in operation including active heave compensation. Simulated rig tools include:
The simulator allows trainees to carry out all major operations on the rig including drilling (vertical and directional); tripping in; tripping out; pipe-handling; stand-building, casing and
riser running and gives complete control of the mud systems on the rig.
A full range of drilling parameters are provided to trainees including ROP, WOB, Torque on Bit and Delta-P. Supported well control features include Wait and Weight Method; Driller’s Method; and Volumetric Method.
Drilling Simulator is also designed to fully support use of actual rig control hardware. Supported control/feedback systems include Cyberbase™ and Amphion™.
The mud system simulates the entire mud path and can realistically simulate each of the following (in isolation or in combination):
Trainees are provided with controls which allow them to configure and manage the mud systems, including manifolds, mud pumps, tank line ups etc... Trainee parameters for mud systems include:
Well Control training applications.
Drilling Simulator is capable of a full range of well control training applications and has been built to conform to the IWCF and IADC standards for well control training.
Drilling Simulator includes ARI’s Standard Edition
Downhole Model, which models pressure, temperature and other conditions in the well into the surface feedback and monitoring systems. Most well control training scenarios can be created using this configuration.
For more sophisticated well control applications, ARI offers the Advanced Downhole Module, which supports rheology models, pressure calculations,
drill cutting transportation and filter cake formations. Downhole data can be returned to the surface using LWD or MWD techniques.
The filter cake formation model takes into
consideration mud properties, flow rate and the
surrounding bore hole porosity and permeability.
The rock cutting transport model considers rock
cutting size, sphericity, density and mud rheological
properties, all of which can be adjusted in the mud
control system.
Complete well profiles can be defined to provide
multi-dimensional training features. Special
consideration has been given to the modeling of
drill string dynamics with full support for effects
like drill string whirling, vibration, twist, torsional
stick slip, bit bouncing and more.
Instructors are also able to dynamically configure
the geological profile of the well including
adjustments for rock hardness, rock porosity, rock
permeability, formation pressure profiles and
other factors which accurately then affect
drilling parameters such as rate of penetration, lost mud circulation and other relevant parameters.
ARI’s advanced downhole simulator module is unique in providing instructors
with the ability to make ‘on-the-fly’ adjustments to the downhole situation, in realtime, providing an extremely powerful and dynamic training and contingency management environment for trainees.
Drilling Simulator can also simulate the use of IntelliLink drill pipe transmitting well information up the chain of sensors along the entire length of the drill string.
VirtualWellPlan is a module which allows complete
well plans to be entered into the system and stored as VirtualWell scenarios. A complete range of geological, pressure and temperature
information can be entered and stored into the well plan library in the simulator mission control application. VirtualWellPlan has an easy to use
graphical interface, and supports vertical, directional and multi-lateral wells and sections.
Individual training exercises can then be created
from the entered well plan. This allows for en entire well to be practiced for, often with a focus on higher risk sections, such as predicted transitions
from low temperature - low pressure conditions, to HPHT type conditions.
ARI VirtualWellPlan is also useful for rig team management training exercises where larger teams can be actively engaged in the process of
drilling a well, in some cases over multiple sessions. VirtualWellPlan can also provide useful coordination for well-on-paper type exercises, planing and working through the entire drilling operation before the project commences, often
with the complete team of contractors involved in the drilling and project process.
VirtualWell is also suitable for deployment in Drilling Simulator installations on board rigs, where data from the active well can be updated into the simulator giving the opportunity for Drillers to orientate themselves to the changing
parameters of a well and practice their drilling objectives prior to actually carrying them out.
Instructor Features.
The Drilling Simulator mission controller system provides instructors with a powerful toolkit for designing, building, managing, executing training exercises.
The Drilling Simulator Mission Controller system is
an integrated software suite providing instructors with the ability to fully control, supervise and monitor the Drilling Simulator. Within this system
instructors can design, build and save their own training exercises; coordinate and manage training sessions; access and modify a large range of operating parameters during a mission; inject faults and failures into an active training session; alter and change downhole parameters to create
challenging and relevant well control situations as well as manage the recording of training missions, assessment of trainees and the post session
debriefing and analysis process.
During a training mission, the instructor can
introduce a broad range of faults and failures into
the surface tools and equipment including:
The entire downhole model* is available for onthe-fly> editing during a session. Editable downhole parameters include:
All instructor controlled parameters are faithfully modeled to correctly impact the entire system. Geological and rheological inputs made by the instructor are processed by the core physics and geophysics simulation engine and produce entirely realistic effects across all aspects of the system. The instructor is thus free to ‘tweak’ the well geology and create dynamic challenges for trainees in the confidence that the system will respond exactly as it would in real life.
Trainee sessions are logged into the instructor database, and assessment (both instructor and system auto-assessments) are stored against trainee records. Each time a trainee runs a mission, the results are added to that trainee’s record and the instructor system builds a profile of the capabilities, progress and weaknesses of that trainee. This information can be used effectively to manage skills development across the drilling workforce, as well as to assess and screen new
personnel. Instructors can build and create their own assessment frameworks, imposing their own company standards into the system and assessing for compliance with such standards.
After any mission, the entire recording of that mission is available for replay in a debriefing context, enabling instructors to lead trainees back
through their performance during the exercise. At any point in a debrief mode, the mission can be re-started from that point and trainees can be
asked to refine their responses and actions in an intuitive and powerful fashion - maximizing the learning capabilities of the platform.
The instructor system includes a comprehensive reports system which can produce detailed reports on trainee sessions as well as tracking reports
showing trainee progress and trends over multiple sessions. Additionally groups of trainees can be analysed to assist in identification of group trended strengths and weaknesses, assisting in the development of relevant training objectives.
With the Mission Controller, instructors can
construct trainee missions and exercises and save these into the central mission library.
All parameters for the simulation can be set to
instructor designed start points for each exercise including all pipehandling equipment, drilling tools, mud systems and the full well geological
profile. Exercises can commence at any point in a
well drilling operation.
In addition to defining the starting position for an
exercise, the mission designer can also set trigger points for faults, and cascade points for additional faults should a given fault not be managed correctly.
In this way instructors can build and create extremely comprehensive libraries of training exercises - even drawing on case studies and real life incidents as material for training missions. Exercises can also be saved and exported for use in mobile versions of Drilling Simulator, on board rigs or in remote locations for incidental training and briefing exercises.
ARI can provide custom built models of specific rigs and their equipment to order.
ARI Drilling Simulator can be supplied with generic rig models covering most major types of land and offshore rig as well as tools typically found on such rigs. ARI can also design, build and deliver completely custom models
of rigs, based around customer’s own rigs and tools.
These high fidelity, fully functional models support the complete package of well control and drilling training modules and can also be provided with ARI’s unique
VirtualRig Immersion Station feature, allowing users to navigate around the entire rig, inside and out - even whilst a drilling or tripping operation is underway in the main simulator.
This can be useful in leading induction training sessions -
orientating personnel to the rig, familiarisation with the location of muster stations and emergency equipment; operations around the helideck etc... It can also be used to prepare personnel for contingencies and emergencies
including H2S, fires and rig evacuations. For Offshore Rigs, It is also capable of traveling down to the seabed, providing high resolution visualisations of rig anchors, risers and subsea BOPs.
ARI’s high definition modeling and fully interactive ImmersionStation technologies provide a unique training and orientation environment with almost unlimited applications.
A Dynamic Platform
From small scale mobile solutions up to complete training centers, Drilling Simulator’s dynamic architecture supports a broad range of installation options, to meet both budgetary and functional requirements.
All versions of Drilling Simulator can be competitively upgraded to grow with customer requirements.
Architectured from the outset to support hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) functionality, the system can also be employed to work with precommissioning of actual rig hardware.
ARI’s RIgMirror module makes it possible to stream a live feed of data from rigs working in the field into the Drilling Simulator. RigMirror reproduces
the operating situation of the rig itself on the simulator and can be very useful in troubleshooting problems in the field from an office location.
Streamed RigMirror data can also be stored and subsequently loaded and replayed in the simulator at any point in the future.
* RigMirror requires compatible on-rig systems. For more information please contact our technical team.
Drilling Simulator is compatible with ARI’s other sImulation products, allowing it to be deployed in conjunction with ARI’s Rig Crane Simulators and Offshore Simulators. When used with these products a fully integrated procedure simulation training system can be deployed where crane operators; supply boat teams and anchor handling teams can all train with rig teams in the same joint missions. For emergency training, including firefighting, this provides a very powerful integrated approach to training across multiple disciplines in the same operations space.
B-1, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016, India
visit us: www.arisimulation.com
Copyright ©2010 ARI. Specifications subject to change without notice.
All other trademarks and copyright are hereby acknowledged